An Unbiased Comparison From A Windows Site?

I found this article over on  It’s a surprisingly calm and collected view of the differences between Mountain Lion and Windows 8; something I wasn’t expecting at all with a site that has ‘win’ in the name.  They make some good points (both positive and negative), and apart from an admittedly amusing pot shot over icon design at the end, it’s pretty fair, all things considered.

It actually makes me wonder what Windows 8 will bring.  If Metro is even half as obnoxious as the XBox, I’ll probably have to start advertising myself as a professional Mac coder rather than a ‘net geek.  There’ll be more work than the current crop can handle.

Maybe I should dig up a beta somewhere just to see how bad it’s going to get…

About Steve

When it comes to the desktop, Steve is a former Amiga, Windows, and Linux user, and as of six years ago, a die-hard Mac head (who, for once, isn't thinking of changing platforms again any time soon). When it comes to the server, Linux is pretty much the only game he plays. He also enjoys hardware hacking, and shouldn't be allowed near a keyboard after the sun sets (or for that matter, after it rises. Don't say I didn't warn you).
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One Response to An Unbiased Comparison From A Windows Site?

  1. Anne says:

    The blog is cool

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