TC: Microchip USB Stack Isn’t Redistributable. Bah!

For the three people waiting on me to turn TuneConsole into an OSHW project, I’m afraid to say you’ll be waiting for a while longer.  I’ve noted before that I’m concerned about the licensing on the Microchip Application Library (from whence the USB stack comes), and this thread over on DangerousPrototypes anecdotally confirms that my concerns are valid.  That makes me patently unwilling to distribute the code; I don’t need the potential legal hassle.

Instead, I’ll have to port the firmware over to this stack when I have the time; I’m unclear on how good the HID support is, so it may take some effort.  I’ll be out of town for a conference next week, so it’ll probably have to wait a while.

And that’s assuming no other priorities come up.

If all you’re looking for is the hardware design, I posted it to a thread over on Dangerous Prototypes for consideration in their upcoming PCB design review video.  I’m sure they’ll find all sorts of stuff wrong with it if they choose to use it.  :-)


About Steve

When it comes to the desktop, Steve is a former Amiga, Windows, and Linux user, and as of six years ago, a die-hard Mac head (who, for once, isn't thinking of changing platforms again any time soon). When it comes to the server, Linux is pretty much the only game he plays. He also enjoys hardware hacking, and shouldn't be allowed near a keyboard after the sun sets (or for that matter, after it rises. Don't say I didn't warn you).
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